What is the
Opportunity Grant?

Any eligible student with a household income of $47,000 or below will receive an Opportunity Grant of $1,100 per semester (up to $2,200 per year, fall and spring only) to assist in defraying the total cost of attendance or to help students pay for unexpected expenses like books, transportation and healthcare which might occur while enrolled.


How do I apply?

Opportunity grants will automatically be applied to a student’s account if they are eligible and complete all required steps to receive an Evolve502 scholarship. No separate application is required.

What are the eligibility requirements?

To qualify for an opportunity grant, applicants must be from households earning $47,000 or less annually. Applicants must complete all of the required steps to become an Evolve502 Scholar.

What does this cover?

Opportunity Grants can be used to cover non-tuition costs including books, transportation, healthcare, childcare, food, etc. The funds are used at your discretion to aid in your success as a student.

What type of payment will it be?

Funds come directly from your college and will be added to your student account. For questions regarding refunds, direct deposit, and disbursement, please contact your financial aid office.

All KCTCS students: jf-evolve502@kctcs.edu

Simmons College of Kentucky: finaid@simmonscollegeky.edu


For questions about opportunity grant eligibility or about Evolve502 scholarship, please email scholarships@evolve502.org.