news | April 19, 2021

JCPS seniors encouraged to apply for scholarships during Evolve502 Apply Week April 24-30

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With just a few weeks left of school, it’s time for Jefferson County Public Schools seniors to commit to the next step in their college and career paths.

During an April 19 press conference, Evolve502 Executive Director Marland Cole announced Evolve502 Apply Week, April 24-30. The campaign encourages students to complete their Evolve502 scholarship applications and begin the next steps in the application process – completing the federal financial aid form and applying to eligible institutions.

The JCPS Class of 2021 is the first group of students eligible to receive an Evolve502 Scholarship. The Evolve502 Scholarship allows eligible JCPS graduates to begin postsecondary studies tuition-free at any Kentucky Community and Technical College school, including Jefferson, or Simmons College of Kentucky, to pursue an associate degree or career credential, or take 60 hours of credit before transferring to a four-year university.

In addition to the scholarship, students from families earning less than $40,000 annually are eligible for opportunity grants of $1,000 per semester (maximum $2,000 annually) to assist with non-tuition-related costs of attending college such as books, housing, technology, transportation, etc.

Students can view full eligibility and complete the application at

As part of the Apply Week campaign, students who have completed their application by 4 p.m. April 30 will be entered to win 1 of 25 $100 Amazon gift cards.

Evolve502 will host two events to support students and families during Apply Week:

College Kickstart is 11:30-3:30 April 24 at the JCTC Downtown Library, 622 S. 1 Street. Students will be able to receive one-on-one, in-person assistance completing the Evolve502 Scholarship. In addition, representatives from the JCTC admissions will be on-site to assist in completing the JCTC application. The first 100 students to attend will receive a $25 gift card.

  • Limited assistance is available for those who need help completing their FAFSA form. Register in advance for FAFSA support time sessions at Students may bring one adult with them to complete the FAFSA form.
  • Social distancing and masks are required.
  • Sponsors include Jefferson Community & Technical College, Simmons College of Kentucky, Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, KentuckianaWorks College Access Center, University of Louisville, Spalding University, Bellarmine University and Family Scholar House.

Evolve502 will also host a Facebook Live at 2 p.m. on April 28. Evolve502 Student Success Coordinators will walk students and families through the application process and answer questions from viewers. Tune in at

For questions or assistance about the Evolve502 scholarship applications, email